Takođe oba prodavca imaju verzije sa 19 odnosno 21 rubinom i nepotpisanom krunicom.
Pogledajte video sa Youtube: Seagull 1963 Airforce Watch - YouTube -- jasno se vidi da je krunica potpisana.
Takođe oba prodavca imaju verzije sa 19 odnosno 21 rubinom i nepotpisanom krunicom.
Pogledajte video sa Youtube: Seagull 1963 Airforce Watch - YouTube -- jasno se vidi da je krunica potpisana.
Being an engineer is a state of mind and therefore cannot be learned or forgotten!
Stigao je odgovor od Watch Unique. Brzo u svakom slučaju. Evo odgovora:
Dear Nikola,
Thank you for your e-mail. We are located in the Netherlands. EU shipments will be including 19% VAT and there will be no extra charges or customs fees. Outside the EU you pay the "Non-EU" price, but you might be charged with local VAT and import fees. Note that we ship by FedEx International Economy, so we have covered the brokerage fees. Depending on your country, the extra fees will not be much higher than the amount of VAT you normally pay on local purchases (import tax is usually low).
The watch crown is a smooth crown as used on the original 1963 watch. There have been versions around with a signed crown; those have been refurbished watches from the Seagull repair department. Please note that we do not sell refurbished watches but new watches only.
We ship the watch in a simple tin box.
If you should have any other questions, please let me know. You can ask us anything.
Best regards,
Ivo Vis
Ova stvar sa krunicom mi je posebno interesantna.
Poslednja ispravka: Vladan Stevanovic (5.2.2012. u 16:59)
Being an engineer is a state of mind and therefore cannot be learned or forgotten!
Evo jednog sa nepotpisanom krunicom:
Seagull Chinese Airforce 1963 - YouTube
a evo i jos jednog mesta za kupovinu:
babyblau - Melden Sie sich an
-pročitaj i ovu temu...
Manbushijie - iskustva i kvalitet satova
nisam pogledao da li tamo ima dotičnog modela, ali čitajući po stranim forumima, mislim da su naručioci sa "Manbushijie.com" prilično zadovoljni...
Evo dalje prepiske:
Dear Nikola,
In fact, both the 19 and 21 jewel version have the same movement. As the movement has been slightly improved since 1963 (ea added shock absorber), the movement now has 21 jewels instead of the original 19. We want to mention the actual number of jewels. We could put 19 jewels on the dial, but it would not make sense.
The reason there have been various different reproductions on the market, has been due to poor selection by Seagull years ago. In the meanwhile, we and other serious vendors have pressured them to control the reproduction to a limited number of variations and distributors, in order to make sure the buyer gets the original and good product and to provide warrantee and quality customer service.
I will ask my colleague to send a picture of the packaging and crown.
Regarding shipment, we have poor experience with regular mail shipments. The spedition fee you mention, I think, refers to the brokerage fees. We specifically cover those with our FedEx service. Apart from the control we have on our FedEx shipments, there is a good chance you will pay the extra fee on a regular mail shipment. However, if you want to have it shipped by regular mail, we will arrange so. Shipping charge will be the same price, please mention regular mail in the order comments. We cannot guarantee shipping time or traceability on regular mail shipments and are unable to accept liability for lost shipments. I think you are in Serbia; we ship to Serbia regularly by FedEx.
If you should have any other questions, just let me know.
Best regards,
Ivo Vis
Šta mislite?
Poslednja ispravka: Vladan Stevanovic (5.2.2012. u 17:00)
Being an engineer is a state of mind and therefore cannot be learned or forgotten!
Ma ko da je tebi bitno da imas istovetan sat originalu iz 63-e. Ako je bolje sa 21 rubinom, daj taj.
Svakako gledaj da izbegnes fed-ex i ostale kurire.
Fedex ti je 30% dadzbina + 3000 din za njihove troskove. Jedino ako hoce da malko smanje vrednost koju ce navesti na paketu.
-znam da je opasan problem strpeti se i uštekati lovu (ja prvi to ne mogu) , ali ja bi dobro razmislio da se strpim malo i zemam ,recimo ovako nešto...
http://www.ebay.de/itm/STRELA-Poljot-Chrono-3133-COSMOS-LAS-Russian-mechanical-watch-/330645625254? pt=DE_Kleidung_Schmuck_Accessoires_Uhren_Armbanduh ren&hash=item4cfc03d9a6
-razlika u novcu postoji, aliii.....
400e za poljot? Ne verujem da je neka veca razlika izmedju sea-gull venus 175 klona i poljotovog valjoux 7734 klona. Za Kineze rade isto demoralisani radnici kao i kod Rusa (Ruska fabrika je na kraju cak otisla u stecaj) tako da im je kontrola kvaliteta veoma slicna a pride sam citao po netu da su mehanizmi iz poljota u periodu pred stecaj izlazili po principu - samo da izadju. Sto i nije cudno ako se ima u vidu psihologija radnika koji ceka da mu firma propadne. Mada ako bas zelis poljota bolje uzmi sa usa ebay-a jer tamo ide za 330 evra (430$) ili jos bolje- cekaj neku aukciju jer onda se onda prodaju novi za dvestotinak dolara. Samo treba sacekati da ih neko od prodavaca okaci.
Inace, cene za ovaj sea-gull su opako visoke u odnosu na ono po kojoj ceni se prodavao odmah na launchu:
Seagull 1963 Reissue Available from Seagull HK Directly
Tako da mislim da prodavac ne laze, isuvise se svi masno ugradjuju da bi neko falsifikovao. A i iskreno, ne verujem da bi se neko u EU usudio da uvozi kopije sea-gull-a.
-ponelo me ,pa sam naveo ebay.de, jer mene bi transport i carina koštala 0 dinara. Što se tiče demolarisanih radnika, uvek bi pre uzeo demolarisanog Poljot-a za tu razliku u ceni.
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