Kako si pogodio, Vladane Evo sedim u kuci, gledam kosarku i nosim Candino (kad sam kod kuce ne nosim sat)
Kako si pogodio, Vladane Evo sedim u kuci, gledam kosarku i nosim Candino (kad sam kod kuce ne nosim sat)
I keep thinking of some mechanic in rural Russia, mending his Raketa in sub-zero temperatures using nothing but a hairpin, a pocket-knife and the tyre-lever from a 1956 tractor.
Hahaha, znao sam.
Ako, ako, samo uživaj!
Poslednja ispravka: anbeast (20.2.2012. u 19:29)
I keep thinking of some mechanic in rural Russia, mending his Raketa in sub-zero temperatures using nothing but a hairpin, a pocket-knife and the tyre-lever from a 1956 tractor.
Dobro ti stoji Japanac.
Nesto ih gledam, crni Japanac i beli Svajcarac, kad bi se potukli koji bi bio jaci?
"I'm very proud of my gold pocket watch. My grandfather, on his deathbed, sold me this watch." - Woody Allen.
Odlican je, cestitke i neka te dugoooo sluzi
Zanimaju me samo takve pobjede koje nisu nečiji porazi...
Plavi Rus (jos nije stig'o na bojiste, ali...)
I keep thinking of some mechanic in rural Russia, mending his Raketa in sub-zero temperatures using nothing but a hairpin, a pocket-knife and the tyre-lever from a 1956 tractor.
hheheheehe...... bice to opsti rusvaj, Evropa, Japan, Rusija.... Svi zajedno
"I'm very proud of my gold pocket watch. My grandfather, on his deathbed, sold me this watch." - Woody Allen.
Cestitke i od mene, Orient je prelep, uz to jako lepo lezi na ruci!
Historia est magistra vitae!
Ljudi su kao satovi, neki žure, neki kasne, a ima i pokvarenih.
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