Mitsuro Ohba (3)
"I want to feel the earth through my skin"
"And through my adventure, I want to ask the world what the life is."
-Mitsuro Ohba
Posle (tranpolarnog) prelaska Severnog pola, Mitsuro Ohba se uputio na Juzni Pol (1998god.).
Kao i na njegovim predhodnim ekspedicijama Seiko je ponovo ucestvovao u tom poduhvatu.
U saradnji su opet napravili LM koji je Mitsuro nosio. Odrzavajuci Landmaster tradiciju zivom, Seiko je napravio LE (800 kom.) produkciju verzije obog sata davajuci mu inaziv South Pole Landmaster.
Seikovi inzenjeri su ukomponovali keramiku u kucistu, bezel-u kao i srednji-centralni deo narukvice koji su tamniji, odrzavajuci dizajnersku filozofiju “as light as possible”.
In addition to the use of ceramics on the watch, Seiko, to aid Ohba in navigation, added a unique twist to the 5M45 kinetic movement.
If there are any of you out there who have carefully researched the SP Landmaster, there are two design elements that may have caught your eye; the movement designation and the reversed markings on the compass and internal bezel. For the South Pole, Seiko used the 5M47 movement which is based on the 5M45. The difference between the 45 and 47 movements lies with the rotation of the GMT hand.
Being on the opposite ends of the earth, navigation with a 24 hour hand is different on the South Pole than it is on the North Pole. As such, Seiko reversed the movement of the GMT hand and the markings on the bezel to allow Mitsuro Ohba to navigate the South Pole using the same methodology used on his North Pole expedition. The South Pole is the only watch that I’m aware of with a 24 hour hand that actually rotates counterclockwise!
Seiko Landmaster South Pole - Mitsuro Ohba
LE 800 kom.
Keramicko kuciste i bezel
Narukvica TI & srednji link keramika.
Uporedjenja radi LM S.Pole -Mtsuro Ohba i (predhodni) LM Transpolar -Mitsuro Ohba
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