Dali neko zna nesto vise o njima?
Imam jedan star bar 15-ak godina, niko mu ne moz nista, imam kvar, slao bih ga u SR da vidim mogu li mu sta.
Postoji li ikakvo predstavnistvo te marke satova?
Dali neko zna nesto vise o njima?
Imam jedan star bar 15-ak godina, niko mu ne moz nista, imam kvar, slao bih ga u SR da vidim mogu li mu sta.
Postoji li ikakvo predstavnistvo te marke satova?
evo slike, model zaista ne znam, ako neko moze da ga prepozna ili da me nauci kako da ga prepoznam bio bih mu zhvalan. Pozdai pise sledece:
seinles stil, woter ezistent, alarm i hronograf, ali interesantnto, pise takodje 3ATM, izmedju ovih stvari, ja zaista ne znam sta je to. U sredini je prindzeps logo, a ispod njega: cr726. I to je to... Sat sam otvarao ne pise nista razumljivo... Koji je model i ima li spasa?
Iskreno ja sam sada od tebe prvi put čuo za taj brend. Koliko znam predstavništo tog proizvođača ne postoji, ali verujem da ga možeš odneti maltene bilo kojem časovničaru, pošto se u njih uglavnom ugrađuju Miyota mehanizmi.
Evo nešto malo više o proizvođaču:
Preuzeto sa sajta: http://www.internationalwatchclub.comThe philosophy of the PRYNGEPS watch company is to offer a product technically originates them, innovative and to the vanguard with a just relationship quality price. The choice of new collections is always well thought out, and lead to world-wide innovations.
The history of PRYNGEPS watches began 50 years ago in Milan. In 1956, PRYNGEPS founded their first center, but quickly grew to civic the 3 centers, and were known as a leader of fine Italian timepieces. In the beginning, the company specialized in the production of clocks for others marks and later produced PRYNGEPS watches.
After many years, guided always with seriousness, professionalism, competence and good sense, PRYNEPS watches debuted the creation of a new brand for the younger generation in January of 1990, called JAMICA TIME. In 2000, PRYNGEPS watches expanded and increased their horizons with a new line of silver jewelry called PRYNGEPS JEWELS, a collection including necklaces, bracelets, and rings.
In the year the 2006, PRYNGEPS watches celebrated their 50th anniversary of producing these prestigious timepieces, and gained even more acquaintance in the world-wide market. That has allowed the PRYNGEPS watches over the years, to characterize itself in a position to create their unique and dazzling timepieces.
Company website: www.pryngeps.it
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