Ovo je post godine.
Ovo je post godine.
Hmm.... mozda bih ja mogao da pomognem komsinici.... mislim, oko sata i tako...
Nije joj velik, mislim da joj odgovara
"I'm very proud of my gold pocket watch. My grandfather, on his deathbed, sold me this watch." - Woody Allen.
Jbt, naviru mi secanja - iz doba dok sam citao decje novine
Evo za pred kraj teme malo da je uozbiljimo, nema smisla da potone u mrak nedorečena. Ovo je sa neta, u pitanju su inči i stope, evo i linka: A Guide to Average Wrist Size MeasurementsTe anglosaksonske čudne mere prebacio sam u naše, nisam zaokruživao pa izgledaju još čudnije. Možda nekome i zatreba.
What is the average wrist size and how do I measure my wrist?
Measuring Your Wrist Size
You can get a measurement of your wrist by using a soft measuring tape or by measuring the inside of your your best fitting watch. If you don't have a soft measuring tape, you can wrap a ribbon or a piece of string around your wrist at the wrist bone, mark the spot where it meets, and then measure it with a ruler to determine your wrist size. To get the best fit, measure snug at the wrist bone.
When buying a bracelet, your bracelet size is your wrist size plus 2.54 cm.
When buying a watch band, you need to take into account the size of the watch. A 17.78 cm watch band may seem too small, but the watch itself adds another 2.54cm or so, depending on the watch. A standard size watch strap is good for wrists between 17.78 and 20.32 cm.
The average wrist size for adults is 18.2 cm and is correlated with height. Taller people tend to have larger wrists.
Height and average wrist size
172.7cm Tall 17.78 cm
177.8cm Tall 18.00 cm
182.9cm Tall 18.46 cm
187.9cm Tall 18.92 cm
193.0cm Tall 19.35 cm
Men's Standard Watch Bracelet Sizes
Adult Small: 15.24 to 17.78cm
Adult Average: 17.78 to 20.32cm
Adult Large: 20.32 to 22.86cm
Adult X-Large: 22.86 to 25.40cm
Women's Standard Bracelet Sizes
Adult Small 13.97 to 16.51cm
Adult Average 16.51 to 19.05cm
Adult Large 19.05 to 21.59cm
Adult X-Large 21.59 to 23.99cm
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