E,pa dobrodosao u pleme ponosnih vlasnika Conquesta,rekao sam ti da je to TO
Savrsenstvo u jednostavnosti.
Moj je na dotjerivanju u Zagrebu,malo da mu sminku poprave
Nazdravlje prinova,svakako,ostale sad mozes pomalo da spakujes,neces ih nositi neko vrijeme...
Roberto: Enzo, really, 10,000 dollars, whatcha going to do with that money? Enzo: Buy a rosary for mama, a new dress for Angelica and you... you get yourself a suit that fits. But most important... Roberto: Yes? Enzo: We find the Frenchman. We find Jacques Mayol.
Roberto: Enzo, really, 10,000 dollars, whatcha going to do with that money? Enzo: Buy a rosary for mama, a new dress for Angelica and you... you get yourself a suit that fits. But most important... Roberto: Yes? Enzo: We find the Frenchman. We find Jacques Mayol.
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