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tema: Obrazovanje - Pomoć, Savet, Info

  1. #1
    Stariji član Avatar korisnika himmelstrider
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    Određen forumom Obrazovanje - Pomoć, Savet, Info

    Eto, posto vidim da ovakve teme nema, a da ovde iskustva definitivno ima, red je da postavim pitanje...

    Posto sam i ja na korak do fakulteta, zeleo bih da cujem bilo sta vezano za Masinski Fakultet u Beogradu. Iskustva, glasine, poslovi posle njega, zivot jednog inzinjera, itd. Takodje, ko god da se nalazi na ovoj "delikatnoj" raskrsnici moze da pita ovde... U nadi da ce neko od vas sa nesto vecom "kilometrazom" od nas moci da da savet
    jagoda-nbg likes this.

  2. #2
    Administrator Avatar korisnika Shmizla
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    Određen forumom re: Obrazovanje - Pomoć, Savet, Info

    Da, ova tema može biti od koristi mlađim članovima.
    Ja ti iskreno slabo mogu pomoći konkretno po pitanju Mašinskog fakulteta. Niti imam poznakike koji su ga studirali niti sam ja iz tih voda. Za ekonomiju bih i mogla dati neki savet, ali za mašinstvo mrka kapa.
    Verujem da će biti članova koji će dati konkretniji odgovor na ovo pitanje.
    Pozz i srećno na studijama!

  3. #3
    Stariji član Avatar korisnika SHIBUMI
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    Određen forumom Re: Obrazovanje - Pomoć, Savet, Info

    Mozda ti neko moze i vise pomoci, od mene ovoliko.

    Mašinski fakultet – Moj (budući) fakultet #6

    Mašinski fakultet - Moj (budući) fakultet #6 :: portal studenata Mašinskog fakulteta u Beogradu

    [es] - Posao Masinskog Inzenjera u Srbiji

    Mehatronika kao spoj disciplina i primena u praksi

    RTS :: Mašinski fakultet ponovo u modi

    UAE traže srpske inženjere

    Srbi u Emiratima: Kroz pustinju do posla | Reportaže |

    Tražite posao? Nemačka zapošljava 100.000 inženjera

    Ako je bar nesto od ovoga moglo da ti pomogne, i koliko toliko razjasni, onda je cilj postignut.

    Samo napred....

    I jos jedan sat za buduceg masinca.

    Ball Engineer Hydrocarbon Spacemaster X-Lume.

    vladas, jagos, Neša and 2 others like this.
    "The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is".

  4. #4
    Moderator Avatar korisnika Neša
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    Određen forumom Re: Obrazovanje - Pomoć, Savet, Info

    Nisam ni ja iz struke, ali pogledaj linkove koje ti je dao Shibumi i pokušaj da se aktivnije raspitaš o sledećim stvarima:

    - Postojeći smerovi (na sajtu fakulteta)
    - Predmeti koji se uče na tim smerovima (na sajtu fakulteta)
    - Zapošljivost posle završenog smera

    Osim pomenutih izvora, raspitaj se među prijateljima i poznanicima da li poznaju nekoga koje završio u skorije vreme, npr. do 35 godina starosti i ko je aktivan u struci. Aktivan inženjer koji je u punoj snazi i radi u struci će svakako moći da ti odgovori na pitanje kakvo je aktuelno stanje po pitanju posla i potražnje za stručnim kadrom. Imaj u vidu da veliki deo domaće mašinske industrije više ne postoji i da nije isto da li ćeš tražiti posao u Beogradu, Kragujevcu, Leskovcu ili Užicu.

    Proveri da li fakultet ima dan otvorenih vrata i obavezno idi ukoliko tako nešto postoji. Fakultet na kome radim to organizuje već neko vreme, pa pretpostavljam da i Mašinski fakultet ima nešto slično.

    Potrudi se da upoznaš bar nekoliko inženjera mašinstva, jer uvek je bolje saslušati više mišljenja.

    Znam da ćeš neke podatke naći i na internetu, ali mislim da je najbolje i da aktivno kreneš u potragu za onima koji znaju što te zanima.

    Neka je sa srećom
    jagos likes this.
    Kvarcni satovi su precizni. Mehanički satovi imaju dušu.

  5. #5
    Stariji član Avatar korisnika himmelstrider
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    Određen forumom Re: Obrazovanje - Pomoć, Savet, Info

    @Shibumi, linkovi su odlicni, a sat me je odusevio ! Stvarno ono, krajnji nivo hedonizma

    A sto se tice samog fakulteta... Od matematike sam se, nazalost, odaljio... Ali, sve je to tu, samo ga treba vratiti nazad. Takodje, otezavajuca okolnost je to sto zavrsavam srednju ekonomsku, ali su mi neki ljudi razbili sigurnost u neuspeh - "Sedi i uci, nebitno odakle si dosao".

    Sto se zaposlenja tice, iskreno, ja sam jedna specificna osoba. Ne volim da ucim, ali sam u stanju da sate provedem citajuci o motorima, i razvijajuci teoriju kako i zasto je HEMI cilindar veliki potrosac i daje veliku snagu U principu, sto se te materije tice, ne prihvatam kompromise i u stanju sam da radim 48 sati kako bi ostvario cilj - napravio nesto sto je dostojno mog potpisa. A moji standardi su, bez laznog preterivanja, sto se mehanike tice, perfekcionisticki. Mehanika je zapravo umetnost svoje vrste, i ne dozvoljava greske.

    Skola je bitna, i pomaze, i neophodna, dakako, ali to sto ja dobijem 7 na ispitu iz otpornosti materijala ne znaci da ce moj motor trajati krace.

    A stav o zaposlenju i zivotu inace, je ovakav. Nisam vezan za bilo sta, zaposlicu se u Finskoj, Nemackoj, Rusiji ili Madagaskaru - sa samo jednim zahtevom. Ja cu zrtvovati deo svog privatnog zivota ako je to neophodno da ono sto ja radim bude vrhunsko. Moze se reci da sam karijerista. Ali se to placa. Vrhunski radnik mora da bude sposoban da sebi priusti Ball Engineer Hydrocarbon Spacemaster od mesecne plate, i da mu ostane dovoljno da pretekne do prvog

    Mislio sam da je bitno da vam ovo kazem, verujem da cete me razumeti. Ova odluka me ne usmerava samo na zaposlenje, vec me usmerava u ceo zivot. Bitno je da znate kakva sam osoba kako bi mogli da razgovaramo otvoreno. Sve gore napisano je otvoreno za diskusiju, kao i obicno...
    Poslednja ispravka: himmelstrider (27.11.2013. u 20:06)

  6. #6
    Stariji član Avatar korisnika veberz
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    Određen forumom Re: Obrazovanje - Pomoć, Savet, Info

    Slušaj himmelstrider! Na dobrom si putu! Ja doduše nisam mašinac, strujaš sam. Ali okvirno mogu da ti kažem da su tehničke nauke univerzalne. Zupčanik se jednako pravi, struja jednako teče, malter se jednako meša - i u Srbiji i u Kini. Radni vek jednog čoveka je dosta dug. Dosta nas je promenilo zadnjih decenija prebivalište. Neki se muče, prodaju maglu, a ja dan-danas radim ono za šta sam se mlad opredelio. A mogao sam otiči i u Mongoliju na primer. Vrlo verovatno bih se i tamo strukom bavio. Po meni je to super!
    A to što ne voliš da učiš je malo problem. Krv ćeš pišati na matematici i fizici. Ali ako si spreman da radiš, da uradiš na stotine zadataka, onda ćeš uspeti, i moći češ da ostvariš snove o kojima gore pišeš. Na tebi je da odlučiš.
    Da ti navedem primer da ovde u Kečkemetu u Mercedesu ima nekoliko ljudi iz Srbije. Jedan školski mi radi u Münchenu u BMW-u ...

  7. #7
    Stariji član Avatar korisnika himmelstrider
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    Određen forumom Re: Obrazovanje - Pomoć, Savet, Info

    Mozda pucam na veliko, mozda nemam potpunu sliku o tome kako sve to funkcionise... Siguran sam da to volim, i siguran sam da cu nekad biti dobar radnik. Uspeh u skoli mi nije presudan, ali se u poslu ne zadovoljavam prosekom. Matematika i fizika, pa, volim ja te predmete, fiziku pogotovo, ali sam samo izgubio osecaj za to. Vratice se vremenom.

    A san je zaposlenje u Mahle-u, F1 timu itd... U grupi najboljih.
    Neša likes this.

  8. #8
    Moderator Avatar korisnika Neša
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    Određen forumom Re: Obrazovanje - Pomoć, Savet, Info

    Druže, reći ću ti ono što znam na osnovu skoro petnaest rada na fakultetu sa studentima, a sa mnogima od njih sam u kontaktu preko strukovnih udruženja, nekih projekata i slično.

    Na fakultetu, a naročito na teškom kao što je mašinski, moraš da učiš od prvog dana. Ako hoćeš da znaš struku, što je bitnije od ocena, moraš da radiš tako, samo tako i nikako drugačije. To što voliš da čitaš o motorima jeste plus, ali svaka struka je takva da je moraš temeljno poznavati. Ukoliko ti neko bude pričao da je ispit spremio za dva dana učenja i položio, pitaj ga slobodno šta je bilo kada se probudio iz sna. To ti je isto kao kada Balkanci pričaju o svojim matorim automobilima koji nemaju mane i ne ostavljaju ih na putu - može da bude istina ako ih održavaju redovno, ali obično su teme tih priča kante spašene sa nemačkih otpada sa 500.000 km iza sebe i puni kineskih delova. Isto važi i za učenje na fakultetu.

    Ako hoćeš malo konkretnije, evo i toga: redovan rad će ti omogućiti da normalno izlaziš, da normalno provodiš letnji raspust i da zajedno sa roditeljima mirno dočekaš upis naredne godine. Zbog čega ovo kažem? Studije koštaju, a ma koliko imao novca, bolje je potrošiti ga na letovanje, nego na školarinu. Ako završiš u roku, možeš odmah početi sa traženjem posla, a ako imaš npr. trideset godina kada stekneš diplomu, manja je šansa da te neko primi. Učestvovao sam i u više komisija za izbor kandidata u privatnom sektoru (prevodilačke agencije, privatne škole) ili im pomagao da odaberu kandidata i mogu ti reći da oni koji su dugo studirali automatski imaju manje šanse. Ukoliko se tome dodaju i ocene, mala je verovatnoća da će te i pozvati na razgovor ili da će proveriti tvoje sposobnosti.

    Ovo za proveru sposobnosti dobro upamti - bez obzira na ocene, mnogi poslodavci traže da im praktično pokažeš šta znaš. Potrudi se da učiš sa razumevanjem, jer u tvojoj struci nema klasičnog bubanja koliko povezivanja.

    Ukratko, dobitna kombinacija su dobre ocene i primenljivo znanje. Bez ovog prvog, priznajem, možeš da prođeš, ali bez drugog - teško. Za mnoge predmete koje smatraš nebitnim shvatićeš da nisu baš takvi tek kada budeš počeo da radiš. Radio sam sa tvojim kolegama, ali i sa ljudima iz drugih struka koji su pomalo zapostavili moju struku, a to je engleski. Za usmeno prevođenje sam im naplaćivao bar 50€ po jednom satu, a nekada i više, ako je deo struke specifičan. Oni koji su ozbiljno učili engleski nisu morali da traže moje usluge, ali su organizatori konferencija zbog toga psovali majku onome ko je izmislio naš obrazovni sistem dok su mi brojali novac za isplatu. Ako npr. znaš nemački, radi ga ozbiljno, jer je zastupljen u tvojoj struci, dok o engleskom ne bih ni govorio.

    Pametno bi bilo da ozbiljno poradiš i na matematici, jer ne samo što može da ti pravi problem kao ispit, već je i korisna za ono što će ti zatrebati u radu.

    Vidim da imaš ambiciju i to je odličan preduslov, ali imaj u vidu da studije nisu samo zezanje, već predstavljaju ozbiljan rad. Ako se dobro organizuješ, to možeš lako postići u ovoj karikaturi od univerzitetske nastave. Ukoliko sam ja to uspeo kada su studije bile ozbiljne i ostvario prosek 9,9, kada su se fakultetski predmeti nazivali predmetima, a ne kursevima (zapitajmo se šta znači reč 'kurs'), možeš i ti.
    Kvarcni satovi su precizni. Mehanički satovi imaju dušu.

  9. #9
    Stariji član Avatar korisnika himmelstrider
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    Određen forumom Re: Obrazovanje - Pomoć, Savet, Info

    Redovno ucenje, apsolutno ce morati. Ali kontam da ce fakultet biti laksi ako ucim ono sto volim... Iskreno, briga mene licno za antidamping u ekonomiji, iako sam inace prilicno svestran. Medjutim, ako u knjizi nadjem "Analiza funkcije klipnih prstenova i uticaj na motor putem frikcije", bogami, to cu citati i van ispita. Motori nisu jedino sto me interesuje, uvek sam voleo da citam o hidroturbinama, aerodinamici, materijalima, kao sto vidite i satovima, kompjuterima, milion stvari. Povezivanje i logika mi ide od ruke, pogotovo u mehanici.

    Ocene se naravno trudim da uvek budu dobre, ali prosto ne smatram da su presudne. Primenljivo znanje je ono na sta bi skolstvo zapravo trebalo da se fokusira, vise nego na ocenjivanje.

    A matematiku naravno da planiram da spremam... uzecu zbirku sa fakulteta ovih dana pa cu se spremati. Engleski, recimo to tako, rasturam, dok mi u globalu svaki jezik ide relativno lako. Nemacki volim i lagano ga usvajam, ali ako budem morao, nece mi biti problem da ga sastavim za 3 meseca (dovoljno za pocetak, barem).

    U svakom slucaju hvala Neso na ovome. Definitivno koristan odgovor.
    Neša likes this.

  10. #10
    Stariji član Avatar korisnika SHIBUMI
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    Određen forumom Re: Obrazovanje - Pomoć, Savet, Info

    Nesa ti je uglavnom sve lepo objasnio, ceo sistem rada, kao i da je ucenje bez interesovanja i razumevanja gubljenje vremena. I onaj pravi nacin da se prodas kada bude trenutak za to.

    Dole ce to biti jos 1X ponovljeno, ali kao sto ces ubrzo da shvatis i sam, lekcije ce da se ponavljaju dok se ne nauce.

    Pazi prodas! Od ekonomije-ekonomske skole koju sada ucis-zavrsavas, nauci i zapamti da treba da znas da se prodas, koje sposobnosti za to treba imati, nema tuta-muta da budes, treba da uveris poslodavce da ti to mozes. Da si u tom trenutku najbolji moguci kandidat za to sto oni traze, i naravno, da ces se uklopiti u celu njihovu pricu. Ali i nemoj da mnogo talasas, budi siguran u sebe i ostavi takav utisak. Mozda je sve ovo rano da se prica, ali nek' se nadje tamo negde, trebace kada dodje vreme i za to. Neka tada izgleda da ce oni ispasti najgori gubitnici, ako te odmah ne prime-ponude posao.

    A kad dodje do CV-a, to je tek nauka za sebe.

    A onda postajes timski igrac koji dobija zadatke da resava, sto ih bolje resis i uklopis u timski rad to bolje za tebe. Ako jos kroz to resavanje vide da ti imas "zlatnu zicu", tim bolje za tebe.

    Dobices jos vise toga da uradis. Svu slavu naravno prisvaja nosioc posla-zadatka, glavni inzenjer. Onaj koji je najblizi vrhu, dobija "devojku". Posto je to ipak "timski rad", svi koji ste u tome ucestvovali dobijate pohvale, jdean krug "dvojkom oko kalisa" i dace vam da se igrate malo sa ....

    I tako sve dok tvoja "zvezda" ne zaigra na nebu, a tada nema prepreke na tvom mlecnom putu. Osvajas visine i postajes vladar situacije, normalno i dalje ucis jer lekcijama nema kraja, cim jednu naucis dolazi druga i tako...A ona koju nisi naucio se vraca, ceka tebe i pravi ti smetnju i pometnju. Kapiras?

    Danas je „znanje“ servirano gotovo, i preostaje nam da na tome gradimo dalje, i da razvijamo i sirimo to znanje koje imamo. Oni koji su postavili temelje tom znanju, nisu imali ništa servirano, već su morali da pocnu od nule. Prihvatanjem „znanja“ zdravo za gotovo ne unapredujemo nas um i ne prosirujemo nase znanje, vec i dalje ostajemo na istom nivou.

    Thinking inside the box

    Danas ljude mrzi da razmisljaju. Uzdaju se u ono sto znaju, ili sto ne znaju, i sigurni su i ususkani u svom znanju/neznanju. Boje se da pokusaju da razmisljaju jer mozda nece znati odgovor na pitanje koje postave sami sebi, a zapravo sami pokusaji pronalaska resenja razvijaju um i prosiruju nacin razmisljanja.

    "To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty. To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be."

    - Unknown

    Naucicemo ono sto nam treba, mozda cemo i prihvatiti neke pojmove i teorije, ali nista od toga ne moramo da razumemo za danasnje potrebe.

    Svi znaju pitagorinu teoremu, svi znaju da je E=mc², da smo na Mesecu laksi nego na Zemlji, da se Zemlja okreće oko Sunca, Mesec oko Zemlje, ali sam siguran da malo ljudi zaista razume sta sve to znaci. Resenja koja su nam ponudjena prihvatamo skoro bezuslovno, ali se malo ljudi pita, kako je doslo do tih resenja.

    Od koga i iz cega su ucili ovi stari macori, ko je njima servirao znanje na tanjiru?

    Veliki umovi prošlosti poput da Vinčija, Galileja, Arhimeda, Pitagore, Tesle i mnogih drugih, unapredili su i ubrzali razvoj nauke, i to ne samo pronicljivoscu sopstvenih umova, vec i hrabroscu da ta nova saznanja iskazu i brane. Podsetimo se da je Pitagora krio svoje znanje od neukih, da je Galilej, uprkos inkviziciji, tvrdio da se Zemlja okreće oko Sunca a ne obrnuto (Đordano Bruno je zbog slicnih tvrdnji, da je svemir beskonacan, bio spaljen na lomaci). A sta je sve Tesla uradio, hteo, mogao...

    Ne smatraj da dovoljno znas, uvek ima jos nesto da se otkrije i nauci, i ne boj se da dovedes u pitanje dotadasnja znanja samo zbog toga sto mozda neces imati pravi odgovor na njih. Zivi u skladu sa zakonima prirode, ne protiv njih; pokusaj da proniknes u te zakone i da ih shvatis. Razmisljanje nema inhibicija niti ogranicenja- thinking outside the box.

    Da li ti mozes tako?

    “Scientists dream about doing great things. Engineers do them.”

    -James A. Michener

    Delujes odlucno i ozbiljnije nego sto bi se ocekivalo od nekoga u tvojim godinama, ocigledno da kada imas cilj pred sobom mozes sve, i zato....

    Ovaj dole sajt je samo za one koji misle ozbiljno- i stvarno zele da budu uspesni u onome sto rade.
    Uz malo sitnih izmena primenljivo na sve struke.

    Nije ni neophodno da su obe plavuse, ali...

    Naša tajna uspeha na web-u | AdriaHost

    E' posto engleski rasturas, onda da ne prevodim.

    Pa ti "udri" i izvuci sta te zanima.

    Who Makes a Good Mechanical Engineer?

    The best mechanical engineers truly enjoy complex problem solving. They are innovators at heart. If you choose engineering as a career, you will turn ideas into reality and solve problems that better society. You will be right on the cutting edge of technology.

    Since most mechanical engineers work together, you should be a team player and have excellent communication skills; both written and oral. This will be important when you are planning and creating new projects.

    You should also be curious, creative, innovative, and practical about how things work and the world around you. You should have the desire to help people and improve the world around you. At the very least, you should enjoy learning how to make things work more efficiently.

    Mechanical engineers are typically very good at math and science. You should especially enjoy working complex math problems.

    If you enjoy trying to solve complex problems, working with your hands as well as spending the day dreaming up solutions, then a career in mechanical engineering may be for you.

    Engineers solve complex problems for society. Mechanical engineers create and build mechanical devices. They apply the fundamentals of science and math to create practical, useful solutions that the rest of us can use.
    The diverse mechanical engineering field can be divided in a variety of ways in terms of job functions. Some of the most common functions relate to these areas of technology, but not all do. Among these fields are:

    • Product Design -- developing products ranging from biomedical devices to gasoline-powered engines. A mechanical engineer designs anything that uses mechanical motion.
    • Research and Development -- discovering new solutions to human needs or improving older methods.
    • Manufacturing -- developing the machines that process materials into products. Designing and building machines and systems of machines that improve operating efficiency is of prime importance.
    • Systems management -- overseeing operations of a large system, such as a power plant, as well as supervising the people who work there.
    • Energy -- planning how energy is generated, stored, and moved. Industries that produce and deliver electrical power, such as natural gas, oil and alternative energy, employ mechanical engineers to develop more fuel-efficient cars, motors, and appliances.

    In most of these fields, the mechanical engineer is concerned with heat utilization or machine design--in other words, harnessing or creating energy. Heat utilization techniques are applied in boilers, air conditioners, and refrigeration units. Machine design is more focused on hardware, including automobile engines, computers, and washing machines.

    Trends in Mechanical Engineering Careers

    According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), mechanical engineers hold over 222,000 jobs, more than half of which are in manufacturing: machinery, transportation equipment, computer and electronic products, and fabricated metal products manufacturing industries. The BLS predicts an increase of nearly 10,000 mechanical engineering jobs by 2016.

    The median annual salary for a mechanical engineer is slightly over $75,000, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2007. Starting salaries average about $50,000+ per year, and top-tier engineers can earn over $100,000 annually.
    Remember, these are just estimates. Your salary will depend on a number of factors as well as the current state of the economy.

    Career options for aspiring mechanical engineers

    Practically every company that designs and produces a product employs a mechanical engineer. But mechanical engineers can also be found in research labs, the military, government, and in other professions such as medicine, law or teaching.

    Most mechanical engineering jobs require design experience. When a need comes about for a new or improved product, companies call upon mechanical engineers to do the job. Engineers have to push beyond the limits of their previous work and use innovative technology to meet project requirements successfully.

    A second major area of employment for mechanical engineers is manufacturing. Manufacturing jobs cover nearly everything involved in developing a product, from selecting the appropriate materials to choosing the correct machinery to manufacture the product. Most mechanical engineers in this industry work for equipment manufacturers, aerospace companies, utilities, material processing plants, transportation companies, and petroleum companies. They also work with small firms, consulting practices, universities, and government research labs.

    Specific assignments might involve research and development, design of equipment or systems, supervision of production, plant engineering, administration, sales engineering, the testing and evaluation of machines and entire plants. Some mechanical engineering titles and their functions include:

    • Automotive engineer: Mechanical engineers design many car parts for the automobile industry. As an automotive engineer, you could solve transportation and safety problems by creating better and more efficient engines or by developing improved safety features
    • Biomedical engineer: Mechanical engineers work with a variety of medical professionals to design mobility aids, prosthetics, and artificial organs.
    • Consulting: Once mechanical engineers have gained significant on-the-job experience and developed a high level of expertise, they might choose to work for themselves as consultants or independent contractors. Here they can work on projects of their choosing for clients they respect. The consulting field offers opportunities in large and small engineering service firms and in private practice.
    • Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) engineer: In this field, engineers design refrigeration systems for making frozen foods, or air-conditioning and heating systems for businesses and industrial buildings, residential homes, autos, hospitals, and schools.
    • Nuclear engineer: The design of nuclear power plants requires the services of a mechanical engineer. The engineer must understand the fundamentals of nuclear design, know how to operate the plant efficiently, and evaluate the environmental factors associated with nuclear plants.
    • Robotics engineer: A mechanical engineer may design machines that build other machines. For instance, a robotics engineer may be involved with creating the devices that are used in assembling automobiles. Engineers are concerned with the robot's structure, its joint mechanisms, bearings, and heat transfer characteristics.
    • Teaching: A desire to help mold the next generation of engineers motivates some mechanical engineers to move into academic careers. Engineers in colleges oversee research activities, manage laboratories, and mentor students. They also write and publish books and technical papers about mechanical engineering.

    Mechanical engineers can find employment at virtually any institute where innovation takes place. They commonly work in the government, research, industry, military, teaching, management or consulting sectors.

    The government agencies that typically hire mechanical engineers include the U.S. Navy, Patent and Trademark Office, International Trade Commission, Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Energy and even the U.S. Postal Service.

    From developing toys to prosthetic legs, the types of projects you can be a part of are as vast as your imagination. With a degree in mechanical engineering, diversity is the key. You can wind up working in a laboratory or an outdoor construction site. Remember, nearly every mechanical device was created by a mechanical engineer so the possibilities for employment are virtually endless!

    How to Become a Mechanical Engineer

    Mechanical engineers will find their skills in demand in a variety of fields and industries including medical, scientific research, construction, aerospace, acoustics, combustion, and automotive engineering. If a device requires movement or manufacturing, design, testing, or packaging, a mechanical engineer will most likely be involved.


    Study mathematics, science, and computer in high school. Study pre-calculus and, if possible, calculus at a high school level, and be sure to take chemistry and physics classes in high school. Physics and calculus are the back bones of engineering courses; understanding them is key to getting a degree. Certain types of engineering will require knowledge of computer programming, learn it sooner than later.


    Participate in math contests and science fairs. Try engineering contests, too, if they are active in your area.


    Develop hobbies related to mechanical engineering. These may include astronomy, rocketry, geology, auto mechanics, bicycle repair, welding, or even robotics. Any sort of tinkering is good practice.


    Learn to use different sorts of tools. Hammers and screwdrivers are a great place to start, but there are many more types than that. If you have the opportunity to take a wood, metals, or plastics shop class, do so. Auto shop is also a good choice. Don't forget to learn about various kinds of measuring tools, too.


    Take stuff apart. Ask friends and family to give you appliances and other machines that have broken, or gather them inexpensively from garage sales or even neighbors' curbs. Then, open them up and see what makes them go. If you can put something back together so that it works, great! If not, figure out what's inside and see what you can learn from it before throwing it out. If you're still not sure what's going on in there, look it up and find out.


    Explore the field of electronics, which may include activities such as ham radio and computer repair. Build stereo speakers for fun. Constructing speakers requires both woodworking and electrical skills. Learn the resistor code for fun. Although electronics are more closely associated with electrical engineering, mechanical engineers need, at the very least, to be able to communicate with electrical engineers. More and more systems are electromechanical, so it's good to know a bit of both. Some mechanical engineers do specialize in electrical engineering and become electromechanical engineers.


    Take drafting classes. Even though some engineering schools do not offer drafting classes, drafting classes may be available at the high school or community college level. If at all possible, learn a CAD (computer-aided drafting) program or two.


    Develop solid written communication skills. Documentation and technical writing skills are a must in many mechanical engineering jobs.


    nvent something. It doesn't have to be the next light bulb, or even a new idea. It could be something as simple as a bent wire coat hanger to dislodge something that always sticks. It could even be a new process or a more efficient way of organizing your desk or going about your day-to-day tasks. Or, see how far you can make a mousetrap- or gravity- powered vehicle go.


    Build something. Assemble boxed furniture or start from scratch. Make a potato launcher. Create your own lava lamp or trebuchet. Even fun or silly projects will help you get used to thinking about how things work, and how they are built.


    Take an interest in manufacturing. Where do paper clips come from? How about computer chips or jelly beans? Part of a mechanical engineer's job is to design things so that they can be efficiently, inexpensively fabricated.


    Develop your creativity, too. Although a lot of mechanical engineering is about being systematic and analytical, it is also about creative problem solving. Try drawing, writing, juggling, playing music, listening, playing, learning, and exploring. It will make you a better engineer and a more well-rounded person, in general.


    Get a university degree. Some states may offer certification through examinations. Those without degrees or state certification may work as mechanical designers or drafters, rather than as engineers. Also, check the local and internet listings to see what engineering jobs are in your area or areas you don't mind moving to as it possible a job that may interest you may not be available in your area.


    Decide what type of school you would like to attend and what degree you are seeking.

    • Larger universities may offer a wider variety of coursework and the ability to specialize as well as bachelor degrees and usually up to doctorate degrees while smaller community colleges typically offer associate degrees and/or the ability to transfer to a bachelor level college.
    • Smaller colleges or technical schools may offer smaller classes and more of a "hands on" approach to engineering, and most offer accepted accredited engineering degrees. Some of the best engineering schools are small colleges: South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, New Mexico Tech and Montana Tech are examples of small schools with excellent engineering programs. Beware of commercial trade schools that offer technical programs.

    • Confirm that your schools, colleges or universities of choice offer regionally accredited programs.


    Do not give up! There is a lot of hard work associated with getting any engineering degree. At some point you probably will fail classes and question your decision; just keep pushing, all good things take time and effort. Retake classes if you have to: a four year engineering degree takes most people about five years.


    A mechanical engineering curriculum is a rigorous course of study that will require discipline and hard work to complete, but it is well worth the effort. Having fun and keeping the bigger picture in mind will help you get through it. Making friends with classmates is particularly helpful, as is being courteous to any teaching assistants or tutors who make themselves available.
    Take advantage of any opportunity to get hands-on experience throughout your education, as well as outside of class. At the high school level, try shop classes, especially wood shop if it's offered. At the university level, look to participate in robotics contests, hybrid and human powered vehicle design projects, or even check out the concrete canoe competition if it's active at your school. Your professors can to tell you more about the programs, projects, and research opportunities offered at your particular school.
    Focus on achieving the highest grade in science, math, and technical courses in high school. If possibly, get an early start on calculus and physics; it will be well worth it as most of your core classes are based solely on the concepts you learn from them.
    Co-op programs or internships provide excellent experience. The federal government offers co-op programs along with junior engineer hiring programs. Some government engineers work with weapon systems and research projects. Check the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) website for more information.
    Get practical experience if possible. Mechanical Engineering degrees are notoriously theoretical, which requires learning and understanding deep concepts and equations; study them and apply them every opportunity you get in the real world. The importance of getting practical experience in any area that you may be interested in can't be overstated. If you want to go into auto design or manufacture
    If possible, join your high school's FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics program. You get to work on advanced-level engineering problems much earlier than most students, and get a strong advantage on college applications.
    Look for opportunities and resources available from professional societies, such as ASME (excellent opportunities to meet and learn from students and professionals in the field, and often also organizes trips and seminars.


    • While anyone may tinker and invent, working as a mechanical engineer, and particularly calling oneself a "professional engineer" or certain other titles requires a license.
    • Becoming too committed to the study of Mechanical Engineering can negatively affect your communication skills, particularly with non-engineers. Take care to balance your time in school with social activities; the skills learned in that environment can be more beneficial to an engineering career than a good test grade.
    • Pay attention to safety. Use tools appropriately, unplug things before opening them up, and don't mess around inside televisions and CRT monitors. (The capacitors inside can hold a dangerous charge long after they are unplugged.)
    • Engineering is a "professional" job and one that is currently in high demand. Starting salaries can depend largely upon one's graduating GPA and previous work experience in the field. The opportunity for advancement in many companies will be present, but it will take hard work to get to the top.
    • Getting through a 4 year engineering degree will not be a walk in the park. You will likely be worked to your breaking point in many classes. Getting good professors is key to staying sane and being able to understand material without breaking yourself; look up professor reviews before signing up for their classes!

    I za kraj malo zabave...

    Imas jednu sekundu vremena da ogonetnes, sta je ova naprava-skalamerija na slici, cemu sluzi?

    Vreme, sad!

    Bravo, bravo, bices ti jednoga dana 3X varen 2X svajsovan.

    Cheers! A £75,000 corkscrew: 300 pokretnih delova da bi otvorili flasu vina.

    Cheers! A £75,000 corkscrew: 300 moving parts to open a bottle of wine | Mail Online

    300 moving parts to open a bottle of wine - IOL Lifestyle |

    Procitaj i ovo dole, interesantna je prica vezana za ceo projekat.

    Narocito ovaj deo:
    Not bad for someone who, he claims, became a mechanical sculptor pretty much by accident.
    "I've no formal training," he told the BBC.
    Mr Higgs is now settled in Newquay, Cornwall, living in a 1930s boat that he rebuilt himself. Making those living quarters was his first big project but, he admits, his dad's family were engineers and his youth was spent in and around people who liked to create, hack and tinker, and were good at it.

    Mr. Higgs had no desire to follow the formal route to being an engineer because it would mean he ended up in an office, sitting at a computer and he would never get his hands on the finished thing. And things are what he loves.

    "I feel like I'm lucky every day," he said. "I have to pinch myself that I can get paid regularly to do this."

    "Going outside the comfort zone on each job teaches me a specialist skill”
    -Rob Higgs

    BBC News - How to build a bigger, better corkscrew

    Ovo gore nije preporuka da ti formalno obrazovanje-diploma ne treba, vec je samo motivacionog karaktera.

    Slusaj! Ako i nekim cudom ne uspes u svojoj velikoj nameri, ti na kraju krajeva, uvek mozes biti umetnik svoga zanata.

    Ili ti mechanical artist.

    Ako te sve ovo do sada prilicno ugushilo, ej' sam si trazio.


    Poslednja ispravka: SHIBUMI (28.11.2013. u 22:50)
    vladas, VLADAN P, Neša and 2 others like this.
    "The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is".

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