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    Određen forumom Trias - Germany

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    RUS je offline
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    Određen forumom Re: Trias - Germany

    Pogledaj sledeci clanak.

    Made in Germany was kinda trade mark before Trias, Elysee, Aeromatic 1912, Tauchmeister1937, Glashaus Hamburg, Olivier Witteaux, Steinhausen appeared and conquered the market (online preferably). But they started up their business knowing that there is a strong demand for products made in Germany all over the world. Most of them don´t even run a shop or are represented at reputable watch shops here in Germany, most of them are selling online only (500 Trias currently on Nothing wrong with that but it´s already a hint what the business is about.

    Some Trias watches are sold at so called "auction houses" here in Germany for 49, 69, 109 Euro. There´s hardly a german component with it !

    "Made in Germany" always stood for outstanding quality, state of the art components combined with eye catching appearance (quote from german-watches).

    Nowadays watches are offered to be "made in Germany" with prestigious names and history (which in some cases is a fairy tale). Due to the fact that there is no legal term a TRIAS watch is "Made in Germany". Despite the fact that the production of major components of these "products" – many times even engineering, assembly and testing – is performed in countries with cheap labor in order to reduce cost as much as possible. That´s why a watch "made in Germany" can be offered for 200 bucks or even less.

    Most of the watch brands like TRIAS do not have any watchmaking history or tradition, aren´t skilled and have not seen a watchmakers school from the inside. Most of these brands are just a one-man-show, a trader and wholesaler jumping on the train to "big cash".

    And please note: I am far away from discriminating (which others could interprete when reading your post) these watches. But I´ll stick to state: They don´t deserve to be "made in Germany" but due to the lack of legal term(s) they are. As I always say: You´ll get what you paid for.

    Sothis, Schauer and Temption, Limes, Glashütte, Union, Mühle, Nomos, Tutima, Sinn, Damasko, Aristo and all the major brands I´ve forgotten to mention here tried to stick to what "made in Germany" should be about. TRIAS doesn´t.

  3. #3
    Član Avatar korisnika Laslo51
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    Određen forumom Re: Trias - Germany

    bilo bi mi drago da se to prevede pa da ga svi razumemo a ne da ja cekam sinove pa da mi prevode
    kad god vidis sat ti pozeli zelju

  4. #4
    eee je offline
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    Određen forumom Re: Trias - Germany

    @laslo - ja probah da prevedem .

    Oznaka Made in Germany je bio nezvanicni garant kvaliteta pre nego sto su se pojavili Trias, Elysee, Aeromatic 1912, Tauchmeister1937, Glashaus Hamburg, Olivier Witteaux, Steinhausen i osvojili trziste (najcesce online). Svi oni su poceli svoj posao znajuci da postoji velika potraznja za nemackim proizvodima svugde u svetu. Vecina njih nema radnju i nisu zastupljeni u poznatijim prodavnicama satova u Nemackoj. Vecina ih se prodaje jedino preko interneta. Nema nista cudno u tome, ali moze koristiti kao pokazatelj o cemu se u stvari radi.

    Neki Trias satovi su prodali u takozvanim "aukcijskim kucama" u Nemackoj za 49, 69, 109 Evra. Tesko da u takvim satovima postoji i jedna nemacka komponenta!

    "Made in Germany" je uvek predstavljala vrhunski kvalitet, vrhunske komponente kombinovane sa dopadljivim izgledom.

    Danas se nude satovi sa prestiznim imenom i istorijom i sa oznakom "made in Germany" sto je u nekim slucajevima bajka. Zbog cinjenice da ne postoji dobra pravna regulativa (malo mi cudno al nisam znao kako da prevedem), Trias satovi nose oznaku "made in Germany" iako se prizvodnja vecine komponenti ovih proizvoda, kao i projektovanje, sklapanje i testiranje vrse u zemljama sa jeftinom radnom snagom da bi se troskovi smanjili na najmanju mogucu meru. Zbog svega ovoga satovi koji nose oznaku "made in Germany" mogu se prodavati za $200 i manje.

    Vecina marki, kao Trias, nema nikakvu istoriju pravljenja satova niti tradiciju, nemaju obucene majstore i nisu ni bili blizu casovnicarskih skola. Vecina ovih marki su pokrenute od strane pojedinca, trgovca koji pokusava da zaradi veliku lovu.

    Na kraju, ja (pisac) ne diskriminisem ove satove. Ali moram reci da ovi satovi ne zasluzuju da nose oznaku "made in Germany". Nedostatak pravne regulative im to dozvoljava. Kao sto uvek kazem - dobijes sto platis.

    Sothis, Schauer and Temption, Limes, Glashütte, Union, Mühle, Nomos, Tutima, Sinn, Damasko, Aristo i ostale velike marke koje sam zaboravio da spomenem, se drze principa koji bi trebali da oznacavaju pravu srz reci "made in Germany". TRIAS ne.

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