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Prvo sam bio iznenadjen, jer izgleda da je medju stranim donatorima centralne univerzitetske biblioteke i Rolex (tj The Rolex Awards for Enterprise, Geneva) nisam nasao informaciju kada se ovo desilo... tj koje godine? (ocigledno je donacija bila u obliku knjiga npr, ili tako nesto)
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University of Novi Sad is grateful to the following donors of books and publications from the country and abroad, who unselfishly contributed to the developement of the newly founded Central Library, thus helping the students, scientists and researchers who study and work at the University. Thank you.FOREIGN DONORSInstitutions::Acoustical Society of America, Melville, NY::Amt der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung, St. Pölten::ASOCIACIÓN CULTURAL DNGHU (Indo-European Language Association) Badajoz SPAIN::Australian Embassy, Belgrade::Canadian Embassy, Belgrade::Central Library, University “Eugen Todoran”, Temisvar::Danube Commission, Budapest::The Embassy of the United States of America, Belgrade::EU Institute for Security Studies, Paris::European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main::Global Fund for Women, San Francisco::Hochschulrektorenkonferenz, Bonn::Institut der Regionen Europas, Salzburg::Institute of International Education European Office, Budapest ::Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Hayama::International association of Universities, Paris::Konrad Adenauer Stiftung e.V.::Körber-stiftung, Berlin::Macmillan Distribution Ltd, Hants::Ministry of National Education and Sport, Warszawa::National Science Council, Taipei::Det Nordiska Universitets Administrators Samarbetet, Abo::Perspectives of New Music, University of Washington (Seattle, USA)::Ringold Buchhandlung am Erbdrostenhof, Münster::The Rolex Awards for Enterprise, Geneva::School of Diplomacy and International Relations, Seton Hall University, New Jersey::Soka Gakkai, Tokyo::United Nations::University “Adam Mickiewicz”, Poznan::University Library, Vienna::University of Miskolc::University of Technology and Economics, Budapest::University “Sv. Kiril I Metodij”, Skopje
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