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tema: Riedenschild satovi

  1. #1
    Stariji član Avatar korisnika Zenith
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    Određen forumom Riedenschild satovi

    Riedenschild satovi-riedenschild-logo.jpg

    Riedenschild je jos uvek veoma mlada firma.
    Razlog osnivanja ove firme lezi u jednoj porodicnoj firmi Einchmuller u Minhenu,Bavarska.
    Osnovana 1950.god kada sve vise na znacaju i popularnosti dobijaju digitalni satovi,ova firma je pokusala da pravi svoje sopstvene mehanizme a samim tim i satove.
    Medjutim,tada je ambiciozni zaljubljenik u satove gospodin Oliver Wolf prepoznao priliku za dobar posao i sastao se sa gospodinom Einchmullerom.Tako je nastao Riedenschild.
    Odmah su se dogovorili da koriste odredjene stare,ali proverene tehnike (tzv.old school smek) ali kombinujuci ga sa najnovijim trendovima i dizajnom kako i prilici mladom brendu poput Riedenschild.
    Saradjuje sa brojnim Svajcarskim kompanijama bez kojih je skoro pa nemoguce napraviti dobar sat,narukvice izradjuje Pforzheim.
    Riedenschildova kolekcija je-Totaliso,Daleno,Pearl,Swihanic,Advance Chrono,Black Pearl,Black Pearl Chrono,Dark Sea Diver Pro,Black Ocean,Wave Master i Sailling Master 2.

    Riedenschild satovi-logo-riedenschild.jpg

    Riedenchild Totaliso
    Riedenschild satovi-totaliso.jpg

    Fine classic watches either in steel or gold with decentralized second. The watches have a for hand-wound mechanical movement. As a special highlight this watch has a sight glass in the floor with a view to the movement. The dial is available in black or white. It comes with the fine leather strap.
    - Hand lift caliber GEMATIC 0788 distributed seconds
    - 316L stainless steel case, diameter 47.5 mm
    - 22mm Band end (screwed)
    - Screwed glass bottom
    - Sapphire glass
    - Dial matt black or white Guilloichierung
    - Polished pointer
    - Genuine leather strap and solid stainless steel band
    - Water resistant 5 bar 5 ATM (DIN-Norm 8310)
    Product ID: 1131-01-S31

    Riedenschild Daleno
    Riedenschild satovi-daleno.jpg

    Fine classic watches with decentralized second and cathedral pointer blued. The watches have a for hand-wound mechanical movement. As a special highlight this watch has a sight glass in the floor with a view to the movement. The dial is available in antique white. It comes with the fine leather strap.
    - Hand lift caliber GEMATIC 0788 distributed seconds
    - 316L stainless steel case, diameter 47.5 mm
    - 22mm Band end (screwed)
    - Screwed glass bottom
    - Sapphire glass
    - Dial antique white
    - cathedral pointer blued
    - Genuine leather strap and solid stainless steel band
    - Water resistant 5 bar 5 ATM (DIN-Norm 8310)
    Product ID: 1131-02-S31

    Riedenschild Pearl
    Riedenschild satovi-pearl.jpg

    Fine classic watches with decentralized second and cathedral pointer blued as well as large regulator arm (Made in Germany). The watches have a for hand-wound mechanical movement. As a special highlight this watch has a sight glass in the floor with a view to the movement. The dial is available in pearly luster. It comes with the fine leather strap.
    - Hand lift caliber GEMATIC 0388 distributed seconds
    - with 3/4 board and a large regulator (Made in Germany)
    - 316L stainless steel case, diameter 47.5 mm
    - 22mm Band end (screwed)
    - Screwed glass bottom
    - Sapphire glass
    - Dial pearly luster
    - cathedral pointer blued
    - Genuine leather strap and solid stainless steel band
    - Water resistant 5 bar 5 ATM (DIN-Norm 8310)
    Product ID: 1131-03-S31

    Riedenschild Swihanic
    Riedenschild satovi-swihanic.jpg

    Fine classic watches with second Time zone. The watches have a mechanical movement for manual winding. As a special highlight, the watch has a sight glass in the floor with a view of the movement. The dial is available in black, white or silver. Reflecting this, it comes with a fine leather strap.
    - Manual wind caliber GeMatic 0788 dezentral seconds
    - Geneva stripes and blued screws, regulator arm
    - Housing: 316L stainless steel, diameter 45mm
    - 22mm Band end
    - Screwed glass bottom
    - Glass: sapphire glass
    - Rotating inner ring with 2 Timezone
    - Hands: hands with superluminova
    - Band: Genuine leather strap in black
    - Leak test pressure 5 bar 5 ATM (DIN-Norm 8310)
    Product ID: 1107/02-03-K01

    Riedenschild Advance Chrono
    Riedenschild satovi-advanceprochrono.jpg

    Fine classic watches either in rose gold with a mechanical chronograph. The watches have a mechanical movement and is pulled by hand. As a special highlight of this watch it has a sight glass in the ground with a view of the movement. The dial is in white or black. It comes with a the fine leather strap.
    - Mechanical handwound chronograph GeMatic 4088
    - Stop function
    - Housing: 316L stainless steel, diameter 40mm
    - 20mm Band end
    - Screwed bottom
    - Glass: sapphire glass
    - Dial: black mat or white
    - Band: Genuine leather strap
    - Water resistant (5 bar test pressure DIN 8310)
    Product ID: 1117-01-K01

    Riedenschild Black Pearl
    Riedenschild satovi-blackpearl.jpg

    Classic watches rose with date. The watches have an automatic movement for automatic lift of the watch by hand. As a special highlight this watch has a sight glass in the floor with a view on the movement. The dial is in white. Comes with a fine leather strap or stainless steel bracelet rose.
    - Automatic caliber GeMatic 0988 date
    - 18k gold plated rotor, Perlage, fine adjustment
    - Housing: 5 micron gold plated
    - 316L stainless steel rose gold, diameter 40mm
    - 20mm Band end
    - Screwed glass bottom
    - Glass: Saphir glass
    - Hands: Rose gold plated pointres
    - Band: Genuine leather strap in black
    - Leak test pressure 5 bar 5 ATM (DIN-Norm 8310)
    Product ID: 1114/02-01-K05

    Riedenschild Black Pearl Chrono
    Riedenschild satovi-blackpearlchrono.jpg

    Black Pearl Chrono Series - Classic watches mechanical rose chronograph. The watches have a mechanical movement and is pulled by hand. As a special highlight of this watch it has a sight glass in the floor with views of the movement. The dial is in white. Reflecting this, it comes with the fine leather strap or stainless steel bracelet rose.
    - Mechanical handwound chronograph GeMatic 4088
    - Stop function
    - Housing: 5 micron gold plated
    - 316L stainless steel rose gold, diameter 40mm
    - 20mm Band end
    - Screwed bottom
    - Glass: sapphire glass
    - Dial: black and rose gold plated pointers
    - Band: Genuine leather strap
    - Water resistant (5 bar test pressure DIN 8310)
    Product ID: 1115-01-K05

    Riedenschild Dark Sea Diver Pro
    Riedenschild satovi-darkseadiverpro.jpg

    Noble divers watches Automatic movement. The watches have a date and beads caps. The watch is water resistant to 200 meters. The dial is available in black/red or black/yellow. Fits the noble silicone bracelet or stainless steel bracelet screwed. The case in either steel or black IP coated.
    - Automatic Caliber CM 8215
    - Housing: 316L stainless steel, diameter 45mm
    - Coated IP black
    - Screwed bottom
    - Screwed crown caps with brackets
    - Glass: sapphire glass
    - Index Superluminova
    - Scale: Scale dive inside
    rotatable - Volume:
    steel tape or silicone band - Screw lug
    - Water resistant (20 bar DIN 8310)
    Product ID: 1112/03-01-S12

    Riedenschild Black Ocean
    Riedenschild satovi-blackocean.jpg

    Black Ocean Series - Noble divers watches with automatic movement. The watches have a date and cut beads. The watch is water resistant to 200 meters. The dial is available in black / silver, black / rose or black / gold. Fits the noble silicone bracelet or stainless steel bracelet screwed. The case in black steel IP coated with rose, gold or steel applications.
    - Automatic Caliber CM 8215
    - Housing: 316L stainless steel,
    - diameter 45mm, IP coated
    - Applications in steel, rose gold or
    - Screwed bottom, sapphire glass
    - Screwed crown caps with brackets
    - Index with superluminova, scale in white
    - Scale: Scale dive inside rotatable
    - Volume: steel tape or silicone band
    - Coated with screw lug, IP
    - Water resistant (20 bar according to DIN 8310)
    Product ID: 1133-01-S33IP

    Riedenschild Wave Master
    Riedenschild satovi-wavemaster.jpg

    Noble diving watches with date. The watches have an automatic movement for automatic Lift the clock by hand. As a special Highlight this clock has a pressure equalization valve. The watches are water resistant to 300 meters. The dial is in white or orange. Reflecting this, the fine leather strap or Stainless steel bracelet.
    - Automatic Caliber ETA 2824-2 with Date
    - Housing: 316L stainless steel, diameter 40mm
    - 20mm Band end
    - Screwed bottom
    - Glass: sapphire glass
    - Dial: black or orange (matte)
    - Rotating bezel
    - Dive-scale, helium valve
    - Band: Genuine leather strap, silicone tape
    or steel tape
    - Water resistant (30 bar DIN 8310)
    Product ID: 1121-01-K07

    Riedenschild Sailingmaster 2
    Riedenschild satovi-sailingmaster2.jpg

    Noble divers watches Automatic movement. The watches have a date. The watch is water resistant to 200 meters. The dial is available in black. Fits the noble croco leather bracelet or stainless steel bracelet. The case in either steel or black IP coated.
    - Automatic Caliber CM 8215
    - Housing: 316L stainless steel, diameter 45mm
    - Bezel black or black/red
    - Screwed bottom
    - Screwed crown
    - Glass: sapphire
    - Index Superluminova
    - Scale: scale diving rotatable
    - Band: steel bracelet or leather strap
    - Water resistant (20 bar DIN 8310)
    Product ID: 1150-01/02-K01/S50/K08r

    LINK: Riedenshild
    Shmizla, RUS, GIvan and 10 others like this.

  2. #2
    Moderator Avatar korisnika Zagor
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  3. #3
    Stariji član Avatar korisnika Zenith
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    Određen forumom re: Riedenschild satovi

    Nadam se da je bilo ok.
    Zagor likes this.
    "Mi pravimo stvari koje ljudima ne trebaju,zato proizvodjac satova ne sme da ima prejak ego"- Jean-Marc Jacot

  4. #4
    Član Avatar korisnika PedjaSD
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    Određen forumom re: Riedenschild satovi

    Mnogo mi se sviđa ovaj "wavemeister" po slikama izgleda da su baš uradili sa merom, SAMO im manu jer nema luminiscentni premaz ili bar indikator na sekundari, kako ja da znam da li mi sat uopšte radi ako ronim u nekoj olupini na +20m u polumraku?
    anbeast likes this.

  5. #5
    Stariji član Avatar korisnika Zenith
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    Određen forumom re: Riedenschild satovi

    Nemam pojma,da budem iskren.Karakteristika divera je jaka luminacija.
    Velika mana ako zaista nema luminaciju.
    PedjaSD likes this.
    "Mi pravimo stvari koje ljudima ne trebaju,zato proizvodjac satova ne sme da ima prejak ego"- Jean-Marc Jacot

  6. #6
    Član Avatar korisnika PedjaSD
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    Određen forumom re: Riedenschild satovi

    Na slici (bar) mu je "obična" kazaljka-sekundara kao na mom Hamiltonu, jedno je dress watch a drugo je tool watch. No dobro, možda isprave to na nekom re-dizajnu ili kako god. Malo mi je bilo čudno, jer ostali imaju WR 200m a opet imaju indikator na sekundari, a ovaj sa WR 300m nema... no nije ni bitno, u svakom slučaju je lep sat.

  7. #7
    RUS je offline
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    Određen forumom re: Riedenschild satovi

    Pedja, u pravu si to za sekundaru.
    Evo Sky je napisao strasan tekst o ronilackim satovima, i tu pise sta sve mora da ima pravi ronilacki sat.
    Istorija ronilačkih satova
    E sad, oni verovatno igraju na kartu da vecina ljudi koji kupe taj sat, nece ni da vide vodu, ili ce to da bude ronjenje do 1-2m dubine.
    Evo malo veca slika tog modela.
    PedjaSD and zoran funduk like this.
    "I have no idols. I admire work, dedication and competence." - Ayrton Senna

  8. #8
    Saradnik Avatar korisnika anbeast
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    Određen forumom re: Riedenschild satovi

    Taj dajver je kao Range Rover ili G klasa, moze da ide van puta, ali ni makadam nece videti, kad bi i isao, zbog ''posh'' enterijera, putnih guma i nedostatka vitla ne bi mogao da iskoristi sve svoje prednosti - na zalost
    Poslednja ispravka: anbeast (27.12.2012. u 16:10)
    PedjaSD likes this.
    I keep thinking of some mechanic in rural Russia, mending his Raketa in sub-zero temperatures using nothing but a hairpin, a pocket-knife and the tyre-lever from a 1956 tractor.

  9. #9
    Član Avatar korisnika PedjaSD
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    Određen forumom re: Riedenschild satovi

    Nisam stigao da ispratim taj tekst do detalja jer sam imao neke obaveze u proteklih par dana, ali to je suva činjenica, džabe nama i rotirajuća korona i minuti i sati, ako ja ne vidim kako "štrika" sekundara dole već znam da sam u problemu... ok, tu je gejdž, tu je i kompjuter ali moje je razmišljanje ide u pravcu: ako sam već poneo sat dole red je i da vidim kako radi a ne da nagađam šta mu se desilo.
    anbeast likes this.

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